Okay, anyone who knows me knows I love being able to help set up for events and stuff, and I wouldn't mind making a living out of it. So I thought "Hell, might as well give it a go and brag about who I have helped in the past".
Hessian Crucible: I loved helping these guys out. Brandon Dorsey is one of those people who its easy to talk to, Sam and Joe Smith are really cool to, tho I have not really had the chance to talk to them much. Go give em a like on Facebook
Parallel 33: Wow, do I miss these guys. The lead singer, for the life of me I can not remember his name, is probably the nicest and coolest guy ever, and a pretty hefty modifier. Plus it was like pure Lamb of God style metal.
FinalDrive: I helped these guys out when they were at the Outland Ballroom the last time. They are really cool, and were awesome enough to give the under 21s outside free CDs and stickers for helping. Go like em on Facebook
Within the Ruins: This was probably the proudest day of my life when Within the Ruins came around once a year ago, I got the chance to help them set up, and may I tell you, Tim is probably the most insanly awesome people I have ever met.
http://www.facebook.com/withintheruins is there page, click like, now.
Besides those I have helped offload gear from the stage for several bands, I think close to twenty different ones. I have to say, helping the bands is almost as much fun as watching them. So go like the bands I linked and then listen to their sick music!